I recently had the chance to participate in an exciting project--photographing the three looks for Emily Austin’s nomination for Northwest Hairstylist of the Year. Although I am a portrait photographer, I don't usually photograph fashion, but this opportunity was too intriguing to turn down.
We spent a full day together with Makeup Artist Michelle Benisti; Art Director and All-Around Helpful Person Erin MacCoy; Assistant Tea Maker and iPhone Handler Eric Martin and our three snazzy models: Dr. Paul, Kassie and Emily.
As you can see, the results are stunning. These are not professional models, but they were all three very relaxed and flexible in front of the camera. I learned a lot about photographing models for hairdressing awards: No stray hairs! Cutting lines must be even! No "holes" in the hairstyle! No odd shadows on hair! But Emily was hardworking and calm and everything went smoothly. Emily for Hairstylist of the Year. Yeah!